воскресенье, 8 ноября 2015 г.

Fast Make Up Video

I have been thinking about posting a video for a long time. But shooting a tutorial seemed a little bit too much for the first time,  I'm not that skilled. So I chose to show an overview about how long it takes to put on full make up. This is a neutral look with eyeliner, some shiny eyeshadows, no eyelash extensions, slightly contoured face, overdrawn lips, filled brows and some sparkle all over the face. It takes around 40-50 minutes, that is why it is impossible to look this much polished everyday. This kind of make up is for those days when you have plenty of time before going out. Hope you like the video. And enjoy quality music ;)

Fast make up video
First video everIt's not easy to look polished 24/7 ;)
Posted by Sunny Dreams of Mine on Saturday, 7 November 2015

The products in order I used them on the video:

L'Occitane Comforting Creme
Mac Pro Longwear Paint Pot in Soft Ochre
Giorgio Armani Eye Tint in 9
Sleek Make Up i-Divine eyeshadow palette in Storm 578
ELF Cream Eyeliner
L'oreal Paris Mega Volume Collagene 24h in Smoky Black
Sleek Make Up Brow Kit in Light 817
Benefit Stay Flawless 15-hour Primer
Revlon Photoready Foundation in 003 Shell Coquillage
Mac Studio Finish Concealer in NC15
NYX Wonder Stick in Light/Medium
Pupa Like a Doll Compact Powder in 001
Sleek Make Up Face Form Contouring and Blush Palette in Light 373
Pupa Luminys All Over in 03
Pupa Lip Liner in 06
Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm in Complex 230
Ideal Gold Powder Shining
Mac Setting Spray

понедельник, 19 октября 2015 г.

Онлайн шоппинг 101

В эру технологий, интернета и лени друзья девушек это не бриллианты (хотя они никогда никому не мешали), а онлайн-магазины одежды. Когда ты прошлась по магазинам, но тебе ничего не приглянулось. Когда у тебя нет времени, но позарез нужно новое платье на свадьбу двоюродной сестры свекрови твоей соседки. Или же у тебя просто очередная депрессия, от которой тебя спасет только ненужная покупка в интернет-магазине и много-много сладкого в 12 ночи под грустную песню.

Расскажу Вам об онлайн-магазинах, которые так или иначе доставляют товары в Азербайджан.

Один из главных сайтов где можно сделать люксовый онлайн шоппинг. Этот портал отличается выбором товара. Тут все на подбор. Стилисты тщательно прорабатывают каждый образ и даже выпускают свои модные журналы The Edit (online) и Porter. Цена чуть выше чем на остальных сайтах. Доставка курьерской службой за 20 фунтов в течении 3-4 дней. Иногда по праздникам бывает бесплатная доставка.

Идея Farfetch в том, чтобы соединить между собой покупателя перед компьютером на одном конце света с бутиком люксовой одежды на другом. Цены в основном самые приемлимые для люксовых брендов представленных на сайте. Выбор просто огромнейший в виду того, что у них нет своей базы. Они только посредники, представляющие товар сотни бутиков вокруг света. Доставка курьером в течении 3-4 дней за дополнительные 20 долларов.

Информация про бутики, у которых Вы покупаете через FarFetch.com

пятница, 7 августа 2015 г.

flat investments

It's always the right decision to invest in flat shoes. Yes, exactly, invest! All girls consider fancy fashion stuff as investments. They even calculate its depreciation (only woman's logic works here) and cost-per-wear :) I know, I know. We get a little bit overexcited about fashion. But sometimes you have to prove yourself and everyone around the reason behind your 4th pair of designer shoes per month or the bag you order despite its crazy custom fee, when heart thinks while brain surrenders. Men will never understand.

So, I was looking through some investment opportunities online and found out a lot of portfolios. Let's calculate the risk and... choose the one you like. After all, it's about the pleasure behind its comfort and catchy looks for us ;)

понедельник, 20 июля 2015 г.

Косметичка на отдыхе

Некоторые из нас оставляют лучшие дни лета напоследок и берут отпуск в августе, когда у остальных уже закончились фото с отдыха, чтоб делиться на инстаграм. Вот тут наступает пора тех, кто работал все лето со вздохами наблюдая пока их друзья хвастаются красными лицами после загара на фоне морских пейзажей. Решила поделиться с вами нет, не фотографиями с отдыха советами для летней косметички, которые сделают ваш отдых на пляже еще приятней. 

воскресенье, 12 июля 2015 г.

random 10: I love airports

I love airports. It's been one of my favourite places for a long time. Airports always give that feeling of something new, undiscovered, aboriginal for me. When you know after walking around or waiting in endless queues carrying a lot of stuff a journey that leads to the feelings you probable never felt before is waiting for you. It's about hope. You always leave memories behind and even you left good ones you believe that the ones are ahead will be better. When you leave home for some place new, airport is exciting and charming because it represent the beginning point of your journey. Maybe the best one in your life, or worst. You never know, life is unexpected. On the other hand there are times when you are coming back from somewhere extremely interesting, full of emotions, mountains, rivers, deserts or oceans. The suitcase your are bringing back is nothing in compare with your mental growth, people you've met, adventures you've been through. It is like going back to your diary to write down your busy day. And when you are back, everything that happened to you just seems different, under a whole different spectrum light that you never had abroad... I love airports. The beginning and the ending point of glimpses of lives we always wonder about. 

random 9

Lately I watch a lot of stupid tv shows. Even though I understand it may degrade my intellect I continue doing so. It is like addiction and you should actually fight it. Picking up stupidity is always easier than gaining knowledge and becoming wiser. Even life lessons are mostly hard. But the other day a guy on a show said the following words which reflected my current state of mind so well that I'm sharing it here:

I know I can make somebody happy. Having that 'forever love' is everything to me. It's the only... THE ONLY thing that I need. Everything else is just a want.

четверг, 18 июня 2015 г.

Арбуз и мода. Арбуз и мода?

Арбуз. Одна из первых ассоциаций, которая зарождается при упоминании лета. Тем более нашего жаркого азербайджанского лета, где на абшеронских дачах его уплетают килограммами, женщины сидят на арбузной диете, а дети поедают холодный арбуз больше чем мороженное и даже гадают на нем. Пока мы тут уплетаем арбуз, где-то там его превращают в логотип летней моды. В летних коллекциях таких брендов как Charlotte Olympia, Kate Spade, Markus Lupfer, Sophia Webster и Sarah's Bag в тренде арбузная тема.

понедельник, 15 июня 2015 г.

Печенья мечты — макароны

С тех пор, как Laduree открыл первый бутик в нашем городе, можно считать, что макароны окончательно поселились на наших застольях и в наших желудках немного припозднившись рядом с далеко засевшими в наших сердцах круглыми разноцветными печеньками из далекой Франции. Признаюсь, макароны я обожаю и уплетаю их по мере возможности часто. Несколько лет назад мы их видели только на фотографиях из интернета и путали с итальянской пастой — макаронами. Но далее местные кондитерские начали радовать нас макаронами, от которых все были в восторге пока Paul, Pierre Herme, Dalloyau и Laduree не доказали как должны выглядеть и быть на вкус заморские печенья из молотого миндаля.

Как все мы знаем, макароны — это удовольствие не из дешевых. И чем они вкуснее и воздушнее, тем они и дороже. В этой статье я решила сравнить цены на макароны в разных кондитерских Баку и сказать, что все таки самые вкусные по-моему у Pierre Herme и Laduree. Честно говоря, миндальные произведения кондитеров в VIVA на следующий день после покупки уже становятся несъедобными, если только вы не против засушенных макарон. А на прилавке не всегда печенья первой свежести. AZZA отличается от своего брата азербайджанца свежестью товара на продаже. С французами дела обстоят немного иначе. У них там своя политика по поводу хранения товара, поэтому старых печенюшек, скорее всего, вам никто не продаст. Там уже дело вкуса: на сколько мягкими, рассыпчатыми, сладкими и т.д. вы предпочитаете французский десерт. Рецепты разные, так что любой гурман сможет найти своего любимого поставщика и наслаждаться макаронами в своем родном городе.

среда, 3 июня 2015 г.

Magic of a scent

Scents can bring forth memories you may have already put in the past. Particular smells can easily  trigger you memory. This type of memory called olfactory. I'm very sensitive to smells and flashbacks they awaken. So every perfume I used is associated with particular feeling, emotion, event, place, person or period of time for me. It works like magic or time machine. My mood changes the minute I smell the scent I know and the memory attached to it becomes closer than ever. And I choose fragrances myself because it is difficult to find a scent for a present that someone will like.

This fragrance is full of hope and bright future for me, it is associated with dreams coming true
Flora by Gucci

четверг, 14 мая 2015 г.

eye make up (step by step)

In my opinion make up is all about training, your will, time on your hands and dare to try. Especially eye make up. My friends always say that they also try but it gets messy and never looks put together. Now I will explain that it will look messy at the beginning, the process may not be nice to look at. But at the end you are able to get the result you intended to. 

fashionista kinda love

Have you ever been in love? I have. I actually fall in love very often. For example, every time I see breathtaking ball gown, my heart skips a beat and I know it is love. Let's fall in love with these dresses together...

среда, 6 мая 2015 г.

Storm in black and white

Since everytime I decide to spend less and less time on the internet the irony of life laughs very hard and put me in a position where I get more and more involved with it. The first time it was my sudden urge to have a blog and now, when my job is to know everything that is going on in social network and be updated about fashion. As long as fashion brands mostly communicate with their customers and just fans and admirers through internet we all became the spectators of  the shows they prepare for us every fashion week. I was inspired by black and white looks from  Valentino fall-winter'16 RTW show. Then I remembered how Dolce&Gabbana already has everything that black and white freaks could ever dream of. So I prepared a set for summer in this colour palette. Also never forget to actually enjoy stuff you like, and visit ASOS.com where you can find and purchase any design you wish for an affordable price.

пятница, 24 апреля 2015 г.

Make up post #2

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post last time. Was a little bit busy, but blogging is always in the back of my mind. I always keep thinking about what I can blog in order to express myself. My blog is that part of myself that I dare to share with people around me. The closest ones know everything anyway. Because communication, relationship between people is very important to me. OK, let's not get too far from the topic :) Just wanted to share my latest make up purchases and my personal thoughts on them. Hope to be a bit helpful.

вторник, 10 марта 2015 г.

random 8: человечек-вдохновение

         Мне кажется, если в доме есть детская комната наполненная детским голосом, значит там уже есть счастье. С двери начинается позитив который они дарят. Одним глазком посмотрел во внутрь и увидел ребенка спящим, играющим или читающим  сразу поднялось настроение. Бывает, мне даже не нужно туда заглядывать, чтоб понять какой поток энергии излучает маленький человечек за стенкой. Я просто вслушиваюсь, и позитив, с каким она живет в этом мирке, который создала вокруг себя переходит мне. А когда заходишь туда, в ее мир, которым она с радостью готова  поделиться с каждым желающим, он захватывает тебя своей простотой и наивностью. Она рассказывает тебе об обитателях ее вселенной как о живых существах, на ходу придумывая им истории.  Это человек, только что получивший обложки для тетрадей с героями из любимых мультфильмов, на полном серьезе подойдет к тебе и воскликнет: «Диди, мечты сбываются!» — а ты просто улыбнешься в ответ. В этот миг тебе покажется, что ты можешь захлебнуться добротой исходящей от нее. Иногда мне даже не нужно чтоб она уделяла мне свое внимание. Тогда я просто приду, встану где нибудь в углу и со стороны начну наблюдать за течением времени в этой комнате. Тут все по другому, тут ты забываешь о существовании остального мира и на некоторое время становишься таким же малышом, с такими же волшебными желаниями. Тот ребенок внутри каждого из нас просыпается при виде этого зрелища, заставляя нас быть сильнее, верить в добро и надеяться на хорошее в людях. Потому что дети верят в нас, они всегда готовы простить, дать хоть десятый шанс. Главное, чтоб ты сам был готов извиниться и измениться. 

среда, 4 марта 2015 г.

back in time

My James Dean obsession is pretty strong. Other than watching his movies over and over again, my first giant blog post was about him. Some time ago it was announced that there is going to be retro car show in Baku. I wasn't quite interested in it until I saw 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder among other cars at the show on display. So when my cousin Nigar invited me I agreed immediately. Taking photographs was forbidden but as I mentioned some time ago that I'm kinda stubborn about that and if I want a photo I'm gonna get that. So here is me in front of Porsche 550 Spyder. 

пятница, 27 февраля 2015 г.

Bday look

I haven't  properly celebrated my birthday since 2012. It was so long ago that I even had red hair back then :) we had a karaoke evening with my girls and had so much fun. This time I did not betray my 'girls only' code and threw girl power party with all red ribbon bows, flowers and balloons. Here is my party look:
- Kate Spade red backless dress with a bow I purchased in New York. I saw it on the window in Soho and fell in love. I knew I was going to buy it eventually. 
- Red Valentino bow headband with veil. It's a present from my sister who couldn't attend my birthday party.
- Asos black satin stilettos with a bow detail. It was the perfect shoes for the dress. 
- Kate Spade Bow and Knot bracelets in rose gold. I don't take them off very often.

понедельник, 23 февраля 2015 г.

Oscar 2015. Top 5

Oscar 2015. Even though I was watching live and didnt miss a thing I couldnt enjoy the show. Let's agree that it was boring. Despite an amazing intro performance of Neil Patrick Harris, the rest was 'why are you so stressed, man? Relax'. Hosting Oscars after Ellen is a hard thing to do, I dont think anyone will beat Oscar selfie or Brad Pitt helping pizza delivery guy during the actual ceremony soon. There was not a single 'omg I wish I was born her and had to wear it today' dress neither on the red carpet nor on Vanity Fair afterparty. Not going to talk about who got the award and why he/she did/didnt deserve it. I'll just mention few personal favourite moments of the yesterday show. 

1) Eddie Redmayne and everything about him. I have been rooting for him since the day I watched Theory of Everything. His excitement about the statue in his hands was worthy staying awake to watch it. 

вторник, 17 февраля 2015 г.

Eyelash extensions

I think everyone who follows my blog have already noticed my obsession with hair and make up. Eyelash extension was a part of my long term plan but I never made up my mind till the last week. I've been following this studio for a while and at last decided to make an appointment with the master. The procedure is long (it took me two and a half hours) and you can not open your eyes during the whole time. The process is about gluing fake lashes (in the length, thickness and curve you choose) to your own lashes, not skin. That is why extensions stand at the same position you natural eyelashes do, and it looks nicer. They use hypoallergenic glue which won't cause any allergic reaction (if you have any).  Pros of extensions are amazing lashes with impressive looks you can throw around, and cons are you can not rub your eyes or sleep your face up the pillow (which I'm used to). Plus they need to be combed everyday :) I was told if I'm careful, then lashes will stay for a month, let's see how it is going to turn out.

понедельник, 9 февраля 2015 г.

Top 8 of my make up bag

There are some products in your make up bag that you consider as treasure, godsend and saviour. I love constantly to buy new products and try them on, but there are a few things that are always going to be there. Because these findings work just perfect for me. Top 8 of my make up collection:

1. Pupa Luminys Baked Face Powder. This is my all time favourite product. And guess what: it's the one and only make up trick I learned from my mom. When I look back I don't think I would use something my mom used, taking into consideration how much attention she pays to make up. But this powder has dense and thick texture and saves you on the days you don't want to use foundation. I use it with Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer and get asked which foundation I have used. It's just best you can go with powder.

I use 04 Champagne. But it was too light for me in summer because I got a little bit tanned. I had to slightly cover it with light powder from Pupa in a darker shade. 

среда, 28 января 2015 г.

Head couture

This Spring-Summer 2015 couture collections at Paris Fashion Week were full of headpieces like hats, headbands, headscarfs, veils etc. It caught my attention because of my love to any kind of head accessories, and there is no way I would miss these gems from couture shows with all phenomenal embellished detailing on knitted beanie hats by Chanel, middle eastern twist at Schiaparelli show, or bohemian Ulyana Sergeenko touch on any detail in her collection let alone on headpieces.

Espadrilles 2015

Espadrilles are the best shoes for hot summer days in a big city. All fashionistas are after Chanel espadrilles, but they are not always available in your size and favourite colour. So there are bunch of other choices out there. Let's explore online stores like net-a-porter, matches fashion, luisaviaroma, neimanmarcus, far fetch etc. to find perfect espadrilles for you to walk around wearing this summer season of 2015. 

понедельник, 19 января 2015 г.

Make up post #1

Finally I decided to write a little bit about my make up obsession. I'm not a make up artist or a make up blogger, I'm just a girl that loves make up and experimenting with it or as I call it 'playing with make up as a 4 year old girl'. My main craziness is eye make up, especially eye shadows. But this blog post is going to be about my mascara and foundation collection. Today I discovered that I own 11 mascaras (all of them are relatively new, because I throw them away every 3-4 months), 5 foundations and 17 lipsticks. Not that much for a make up lover to be honest.

понедельник, 5 января 2015 г.

Istanbul holidays 2015

It was the first time ever I was away from Azerbaijan for the New Year Eve. Visited Istanbul where my sister lives and we spent the holidays together. Thanks to our friend Gunel who actually planned this months ago while I didn't think we were going to make it, but never say never. It was fun just to be young, free and crazy for a while :) And I changed my hair colour for the new year. Personally for me it was a huge decision, because everyone knows how obsessive I am about blonde hair. The next collage is a small summary of my New Year holidays. You can see our looks for the party, random but very nice instant photo in shopping mall while I was trying on a Missoni headband, our 7 km walk in Belgrade Forest in Istanbul that ended up with such joyful photos, and finally my evening eye make up I was so proud of)))