понедельник, 5 января 2015 г.

Istanbul holidays 2015

It was the first time ever I was away from Azerbaijan for the New Year Eve. Visited Istanbul where my sister lives and we spent the holidays together. Thanks to our friend Gunel who actually planned this months ago while I didn't think we were going to make it, but never say never. It was fun just to be young, free and crazy for a while :) And I changed my hair colour for the new year. Personally for me it was a huge decision, because everyone knows how obsessive I am about blonde hair. The next collage is a small summary of my New Year holidays. You can see our looks for the party, random but very nice instant photo in shopping mall while I was trying on a Missoni headband, our 7 km walk in Belgrade Forest in Istanbul that ended up with such joyful photos, and finally my evening eye make up I was so proud of)))

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