вторник, 4 ноября 2014 г.

Life is a puzzle

Life is a puzzle. We are trying to figure it out and see what it is  actually about our whole life. Putting a 1500 piece  puzzle process is practical reflection of it. I'm fond of impressionism and finding museum collection puzzle of Georges-Pierre Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of LaGrande Jatte was lovely. I started to collect the puzzle, then my mom joined and finished it. We got to memorise  the painting and found out that there are 47 people and 3 animals on it. Seurat used pointillism technique and it makes the puzzle pieces very blurry as you see on the photo. But mom was very concentrated and her motivation was guests she invited over so the table needed to be free to serve food :) 

At first it seemed impossible...

But the result was beautiful. We loved it so much that decided to frame it, but haven't hung it yet. 

And then I saw the first version of the painting at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The puzzle version is bigger and is at the Art Institute of Chicago. The first thing I did was to take a selfie in front of it and send to my mom :)

 This one is small, just 300 pieces but The Kiss by Gustav Klimt speaks through the century. It is different and stays in your memory forever. The painting currently is at the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere in Vienna. Hope to see it one day. 

It always starts the same: with a mess. 

Step one is done with little sister's help. She put all the pieces the face up. 

The process goes faster when mom joins

And done!

Couldn't resist to share this beauty on instagram:

Definitely going to collect some other puzzles up to 1000 pieces in future. But not more than that,  because the process is tiring for the eyes. 

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