понедельник, 27 октября 2014 г.

one million lovely letters

That moment when you are so down like you have never been in your life yet. And you walk into a bookshop on your way home. After loosing hope to find a book that will fit your current mood you find something that not only will fit your mood, reflect what you are going through but it also will seem like the author is your long lost twin sister that somehow was born and raised in England. Jodi Ann Bickley may not going through the exact same things in her life, her struggles in life are much harder and serious. But emotions people feel in their chest are the same. The book found me (that is what I prefer to think) at the perfect timing, because if I read it couple of years ago I would't relate to it as much as I did. Her uplifting true story called 'One million lovely letters' which is also the name of her online project. This project is about writing to people who need a letter to remind that they are not alone in what they are going through in life, say how special they are and just make a little bit difference in their mood at a very important period in their life. Jodi wants to reach one million mark. The project is still in process. It saved her life, changed for better and she believes it makes changes in others' lives too. I didn't write to her, or received a letter from her. But her book was enough to make me feel better and put a smile on my face. Cover photo on the inside reflects some letters she have sent to people. I picked this one for myself:

Here are the parts of the book I found myself in:

суббота, 4 октября 2014 г.

Hat Magic

Every time I see Emma Stone I crave for dying my hair red again :) She is pretty, she is funny, her eyes are huge blue and the most important: Emma is a talented actress. Her last appearance in the latest Woody Allen movie is extremely cute. South of France, 20's and Colin Firth is everything you need to spend lovely one and a half hour in the cinema. Costumes of Magic in the Moonlight (2014)  were not as glamorous as Gtasby's, but Emma's hats caught my attention. My head accessories obsession is infinite you know ;)