суббота, 7 сентября 2013 г.

Mad Men

          If I had to describe the show Mad Men only with one word, it would be classy. I can't imagine any other show on TV to have more class, chic and style than this one. Advertisers from Madison Avenue in 60's, their agency, private lives... The main character that is Don Draper played by Jon Hamm is one of those men that women hate and love at the same time. His charm, looks, gestures. Don Draper is good at his job, he is one of the best, everyone loves him. The show has interesting storyline, but the main thing that atrracts a viewer is the environment of 60's: fashion, lifestyle. The way they dress, the way men and women behave even the way they smoke is so different from the time that we live in, it captivates you from the first episode. After I watch this show every time, I just want to wear a dress and shoes on heels like those women wear everyday, have some classy hairsyle and walk around like a real lady :)

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