понедельник, 20 июля 2015 г.

Косметичка на отдыхе

Некоторые из нас оставляют лучшие дни лета напоследок и берут отпуск в августе, когда у остальных уже закончились фото с отдыха, чтоб делиться на инстаграм. Вот тут наступает пора тех, кто работал все лето со вздохами наблюдая пока их друзья хвастаются красными лицами после загара на фоне морских пейзажей. Решила поделиться с вами нет, не фотографиями с отдыха советами для летней косметички, которые сделают ваш отдых на пляже еще приятней. 

воскресенье, 12 июля 2015 г.

random 10: I love airports

I love airports. It's been one of my favourite places for a long time. Airports always give that feeling of something new, undiscovered, aboriginal for me. When you know after walking around or waiting in endless queues carrying a lot of stuff a journey that leads to the feelings you probable never felt before is waiting for you. It's about hope. You always leave memories behind and even you left good ones you believe that the ones are ahead will be better. When you leave home for some place new, airport is exciting and charming because it represent the beginning point of your journey. Maybe the best one in your life, or worst. You never know, life is unexpected. On the other hand there are times when you are coming back from somewhere extremely interesting, full of emotions, mountains, rivers, deserts or oceans. The suitcase your are bringing back is nothing in compare with your mental growth, people you've met, adventures you've been through. It is like going back to your diary to write down your busy day. And when you are back, everything that happened to you just seems different, under a whole different spectrum light that you never had abroad... I love airports. The beginning and the ending point of glimpses of lives we always wonder about. 

random 9

Lately I watch a lot of stupid tv shows. Even though I understand it may degrade my intellect I continue doing so. It is like addiction and you should actually fight it. Picking up stupidity is always easier than gaining knowledge and becoming wiser. Even life lessons are mostly hard. But the other day a guy on a show said the following words which reflected my current state of mind so well that I'm sharing it here:

I know I can make somebody happy. Having that 'forever love' is everything to me. It's the only... THE ONLY thing that I need. Everything else is just a want.