понедельник, 24 ноября 2014 г.

Baku Fashion Week 2014

Yesterday I attended the first Baku Fashion Week ever. It was just a start for something big in future. Baby steps as they say. But I hope it will grow and prosper as time goes by and we will proudly talk about fashion weeks in our hometown.  Fashion Week was actually only for 2 days. On the first day Azerbaijani designer Gunel Behbudova and Georgian Designer Avtandil Tskvitinidze presented their collections on the runway in Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Baku. The day two (the one I attended) was about the last show of the Baku Fashion Week and after party. My friend Narmin got us the invitations and we had the front row on Nadit show by Nadia Taziyeva. The collection was colourful and full of dreams where knit and chiffon dominated the stage. Here are the photos taken on my humble iPhone camera during the show...

суббота, 22 ноября 2014 г.

Sherri Hill fusion

A few days ago I saw Spring 2015 collection of Sherri Hill brand. It is an american designer whose work is mostly concentrated on evening wear. Her gowns are famous all over the world and you can sense that southern-american chic style in her designs. But this collection for summer is literally blooming before our eyes. Colours are bright, models are smiling and you can feel that warm spring wind blowing from the screen. It was so comforting to see these dresses on a rainy and windy autumn evening that I needed to share it with you, guys. The collection is huge and you can look through it on Sherri Hill's website. But here are my favourites...

вторник, 4 ноября 2014 г.

Life is a puzzle

Life is a puzzle. We are trying to figure it out and see what it is  actually about our whole life. Putting a 1500 piece  puzzle process is practical reflection of it. I'm fond of impressionism and finding museum collection puzzle of Georges-Pierre Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of LaGrande Jatte was lovely. I started to collect the puzzle, then my mom joined and finished it. We got to memorise  the painting and found out that there are 47 people and 3 animals on it. Seurat used pointillism technique and it makes the puzzle pieces very blurry as you see on the photo. But mom was very concentrated and her motivation was guests she invited over so the table needed to be free to serve food :)