воскресенье, 25 мая 2014 г.

random 5

              I wrote a blog post. Saved to the drafts. Never going to share it. I just needed to write it down. Sometimes my blog is kind of a diary, I feel that if I write my thoughts and feelings it will ease stuff. Maybe it helps in long run, but whenever I feel the same I open and re-read it, so when I stop doing that I will understand it's over.  Instead of that 'never gonna share it' blog post I wanted to put the songs from my current playlist that are constantly on repeat. People have a tendency to speak through songs.

четверг, 22 мая 2014 г.

The Atlas® Collection

I never liked wearing bracelets. Got bored too soon. But now I think it is time to want one. Tiffany's Atlas Collection redefined my perception about bracelets (actually it started with my Jawbone UP24, but it's a completely different story).

воскресенье, 18 мая 2014 г.

The Little Prince

          'I ask the  indulgence of the children who may read this book for dedicating it to a grown-up.'
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 'The Little Prince'

            There are turning points in every persons life. And everyone deals with it differently. You may celebrate it, cry in the middle of the night holding your pillow, start working out, loose weight, change your job, change your hair colour, waste some amount of money just to feel reckless or make any other impulsive decision... I may be one of those normal people above, but I'm also a person who always comes back to one tiny book which keeps all the wisdom of the earth on its 90-100 pages: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. This is the book that I cried reading for the first time and I also remember not liking it as a child. But I read it when I was 20 and since then it is one of the most important books of my life. I keep coming back to it, re-reading the parts. Even reading quotes and looking at those pictures wakes spectrum of emotions from happiness to loneliness that ends up with love. I don't think I'm able to convey my feelings and thoughts on this matter, because I get affected every time I take this book and go through the journey that brings peace...