понедельник, 29 июля 2013 г.

Roman Holiday

“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”
Audrey Hepburn

I want to belive in pink, in the fact that laughing is the best calorie burner, in kissing, kissing a lot, in being strong no matter what life gives you, that happy girls are the prettiest, that maybe tomorrow is another day and in miracles...

I'm sure lots of us want to believe in love, in beauty that Audrey Hepburn brought to this life, in her eyes of Bamby that shine through her characters in movies, in Gregory Peck with his smoldering appearances, in their chemistry in Roman Holiday (1953)...

A fairytale with an ending that is not expected in a black and white movie of 50s. A brief and pure love that grow in front of your eyes and that goodbye in front of eveyone's eyes but with feelings only for two...

суббота, 20 июля 2013 г.

Marilyn Monroe

After a long talk about iconic women with my life-long friend in this lovely summer evening  I decided to post these pictures that I had on my computer. Even though we mostly talked about Monica Belucci, that I consider the most beautiful woman of our time, this picture set is about Marilyn Monroe...

"No one ever told me I was pretty when I was a little girl. All little girls should be told they're pretty, even if they aren't." - Marilyn Monroe

She is an icon. After so many years people consider her as one of the most beautiful women of all time. It is not just about her look. It is all about her that she could represent in a way that no one would dare to. A woman, that seemed fragile and weak on the outside but had a whole different world on the inside. A woman that has been admired for decades. A woman that has been imitated. A lot of people talked about her, many books were written. I just wanted to share my personal favourite photos of her. Maybe not the most famous ones, but still.

вторник, 16 июля 2013 г.

random 3

It is a tiny country on this big planet, and there are a lot of beautiful places out there but for us, the one that we call home is the sweetest. It is a place where we grew up, where we made our first steps, where we said our first words, where went to school, where we understood what motherland means and nurtured great love towards it inside of us not even being aware of it. The place you want to be when you're sad or happy, pictures of which comes to your mind while missing it, where you are surrounded with the ones you love. The nature, the weather, the wind, the sand, the sea, the sky of which is the best in the world for you and you will never find a place better than that. You will never call another place your real home. Maybe temporarily but not forever. It is precious, it is a part of you, it defines you...

четверг, 11 июля 2013 г.

minutes in Florence

Приезжаешь во Флоренцию, сходишь с поезда. Заселяешься в отеле поблизости, прямо в центре города. Ходишь по узким улочкам с трехэтажными домами и окнами со ставнями, где первые этажи либо пиццерии, либо сувенирные лавки. Выходишь на площадь с Duomo. Закупаешься сувенирами, пробуешь пиццу, затем gelato. Не смотря на двухчасовую очередь, заходишь в музей и поражаешься величественности 'Давида' Микельанджело. Но только обзорная экскурсия по городу на закате открывает перед тобой всю красоту местности и рождает в тебе эмоции, которые ожидал пережить при приезде. Проезжая по берегам реки 
 со средневековыми мостами или поднимаясь на зеленые холмы с желтыми виллами с видом на Флонецию тебя уносит далеко-далеко.  Ты там есть и тебя нет одновременно. Мысли витают далеко в облаках, смениваясь со скоростью смены пейзажа перед глазами; купола храмов, стена замка с многолетней историей, река с отражением заходящего солнца... Непередаваемо.